
This method is used to determine the server's startup location. The startup location is used to manage data and code access for the server so the server can find the appropriate files. Behavior varies depending on how the server is running.

cAppStartPath is Set in the server's Init and can be overridden by you in SetServerEnvironment. After SetServerEnvironment is called the server then adds the path to the current Fox PATH and in certain RUN modes changes directory to this path.

COM EXE or Standalone EXE or VFP IDE operation
Server does a CD (THIS.cAppStartPath) changing path to this directory.

Server only does a SET PATH TO (THIS.cAppStartPath). You should use the SetServerProperties method to explicitly add all paths the app will be accessing manually with code like this:

DO PATH WITH THIS.cAppStartPath + "data"
DO PATH WITH THIS.cAppStartPath + "DemoData"

Location of the directory is determined in the following order:

  1. Out of the registry at the following key if it exists:

    HKLM\SOFTWARE\West Wind Technologies\Web Connection\Servers<serverclass>

    If this key exists cAppStartPath will be set to this value.

  2. From Application.ServerName which returns the fully qualified path to the COM EXE or COM DLL. For standalone applications, SYS(16,0) is parsed. The function that performs this task is the generic GetAppStartPath in wwUtils.prg.

To update the registry setting bring up the server window, click on Status and update the startup path. Then click on Save Settings to write the new value into the registry.


Return Value

The server's startup path which is the physical location where the EXE or DLL file or the current start PRG (interactive VFP) lives.


cAppStartpath is used internally in the wwServer class to locate the startup INI file.

All path references should take cAppStartPath into account to make sure the server will run properly under all modes of operation. COM DLL servers cannot change path to the startup directory, so paths may not be relative to the current location but relative to THIS.cAppStartPath.

See also:

Class wwServer | wwServer::cAppStartPath

© West Wind Technologies, 1996-2024 • Updated: 12/15/15
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