Using the wwRestProcess Class

about 8 minutes to read

Implementing the wwRestProcess class is easy:

  • Create a new Process class with the Console Wizard
  • Choose Rest API Service Process Class on the Finish page
  • Or: Manually change the WWC_PROCESS process base class to WWC_RESTPROCESS
  • Implement methods that act as REST HTTP endpoints
  • Accept a single parameter which is deserialize from POST and PUT JSON content
  • Return values or objects to be serialized to JSON or XML
  • Call the methods using standard Method.ext call syntax
  • Optionally set up Extensionless URL Routing

Create the REST Service

You create a wwRESTProcess class like any other process class - by using the Web Connection Console and the Create New Process Class Wizard . On Step 2 choose REST API Service Process class. In this example, I'm also going to create a MusicStoreProcess (see Web Connection Sample) with a script map of .ms.

This produces:

************************************************************* DEFINE CLASS MusicStoreProcess AS WWC_RESTPROCESS *************************************************************

You now have a REST capable Process class.

Implementing REST EndPoints

This REST process subclass provides for automatic routing of requests to non-HTML endpoints that send and return JSON (and eventually XML).

Just like standard Web Connection requests a URL's script map (or classic ~ syntax) routes to a Process method in the REST service. So will route to a GetAlbums method in the process class.

The implemented method typically has to know nothing about Web Connection, but is simply a method that receives an input parameter and returns a result value that is serialized. Typical REST endpoints do very little work - they tend to call a business object to do some work and return a result that is then serialized.

Passing Parameters

You can pass parameters to your service methods in several ways:

  • A single JSON Object/Value
    You can pass a single JSON formatted object/value in JS via POST/PUT buffer and an application/json content type and the REST process will parse the JSON object into a single FoxPro parameter:
*** Url: *** POST data: { id: 123, descript: "...", ...} *** Content-type: application-json FUNCTION SaveAlbum(loAlbum) *** ... code tp save/manipulate album RETURN loUpdatedAlbum
  • QueryString or Form Parameters
    As in regular Web COnnection Process classes you can also access the Request object and the Form() and QueryString() methods to retrieve explicitly passed HTTP parameters.
*** Url: FUNCTION GetAlbum() lnId = VAL(Request.QueryString("id")) *** ... load album RETURN loAlbum
*** Url: *** POST: id=23 *** Content-type: x-www-form-urlended FUNCTION GetAlbum() lnId = VAL(Request.Form("id")) *** ... load album RETURN loAlbum
  • CallbackMethod,Parm1,Parm2,Parm3 POST or QueryString Values
    This follows the wwAjaxCallback Control model that is used for the Web Control Framework control. Here parameters are passed in either via QueryString or POST values, and parameters must follow known names of CallbackMethod or Method, and Parm1, Parm2, Parm3 using standard URL encoded submission values.

    This mechanism is mainly provided to provide an easy way to migrate method from the wwAjaxCallbackControl to its own self-contained class and it also works with the ajaxCallMethod() function in ww.jquery.js.

* URL: FUNCTION GetFilteredAlbums(lcStartDate,lcEndDate) ldStart = CTOD(lcStartDate) ldEnd = CTOD(lcEndDate) *** ... loads based on filter conditions album RETURN loAlbums

Returning Result Values

The service can return most FoxPro values as JSON or XML.

It can return the following types of values:

  • Simple Values
    Any simple FoxPro values of type string, number, boolean, datetime as well as binary values.
    RETURN 10

  • Object
    Objects can be nested and contain other objects, collections and arrays as well as cursors.
    RETURN loAlbum

  • Collection
    A FoxPro or Web Connection Collection. Only works with FoxPro objects/values - not with COM objects.
    RETURN loAlbumList

  • Cursor/Table Results
    Cursors can be returned by using a string value of cursor:AliasName which serializes the specified cursor or table alias. The cursor is serialized as a flat array with each cursor record turned into an object.
    RETURN "cursor:AliasName"

No Support for Array Results

There's no support for Array results because arrays cannot be 'returned' as a result value in FoxPro.

You can use arrays in Array properties on objects however so you could wrap the array into an object property. If you absolutely have to return an array you can use ArrayToCollection() to turn the array into a collection and return that instead.

Returning Raw, non-JSON Results

You can also return results that are not parsed by the JSON Service. IOW, you can return raw strings or an HTML rendered result like Response.ExpandTempalte(), Response.ExpandScript() or Response.ExpandPage() or generated output from one of the wwPdf classes.

To do this you use the private JSONService reference set the IsRawResponse property to .T.. Simply create a method in your REST service process class and use standard Response methods like Write(), ExpandTemplate(), ExpandScript() etc. or any other helper class like wwPDF that generates into the Response to create your output:

FUNCTION Index() JsonService.IsRawResponse = .T. *** You have to set the Content Type because *** the default is application/json in the REST service Response.ContentType = "text/html" *** Write output directly into the Response object *** Response is just written Response.ExpandTemplate(Request.GetPhysicalPath()) ENDFUNC

Customizing the JSON Parsing

As with the raw response you can use the JsonService instance to customize behavior of the service, and Serializer to replace or customize the serializer with custom settings.

These objects are PRIVATE variables in scope inside of REST process methods and can be accessed at will.

*** REST Service Endpoint Method (customerlist.wwd) FUNCTION CustomerList() SELECT * from Customers into cursor TQuery *** override property names Serializer.cPropertyNameOverrides = "firstName,lastName,lastAccess" *** Can be set to return non-JSON-serialized results JsonService.IsRawResponse = .F. RETURN "cursor:TQuery"

Error Handling

The wwRestServices wraps the REST method handlers into an Exception block and then generates a JSON error response if an error occurs.

{ "isCallbackError": true, "message": "Error message returned here" }

This is useful both for trapping unexpected errors and passing them to the front end or other caller, but it can also be a good option for transmitting error messages from your code to the client. For example if a validation fails or an invalid operation was performed you can simply thrown an error.

IF !loUser.HasGroup("Administrators") ERROR "This operation requires Administrators access" ENDIF * ... continue processing

which then allows your code to check for an error response that can display this error message.

Working with HTTP Verbs

'Proper' REST services take advantage of HTTP verbs to expose HTTP endpoints. A common scenario for REST services is to use a single URL for display, update and delete operations, using HTTP Verbs instead to differentiate requests.

Since Web Connection routes requests to methods and methods cannot be overloaded in FoxPro you need to manually manage HTTP verbs in requests if you want to use a single URL. You can use a single method to handle GET, POST, PUT and DELETE operations and then check for use Request.GetHttpVerb() to check which verb is used and then route to other methods.

For example, the following implementation of handles GET, POST/PUT and DELETE operations using a single URL:

************************************************************************ * Album **************************************** FUNCTION Album(loAlbum) lcVerb = Request.GetHttpVerb() *** Handle alternate verbs with same URL with *** separate method since we don't have method overloading in VFP IF (lcVerb == "POST" OR lcVerb == "PUT") RETURN THIS.SaveAlbum(loAlbum) ENDIF IF lcVerb == "DELETE" RETURN this.DeleteAlbum() ENDIF *** GET looks for querystring lnId = VAL(Request.QueryString("id")) IF (lnId < 1) ERROR "Invalid Id passed" ENDIF loBusAlbum = CREATEOBJECT("cAlbum") IF (!loBusAlbum.Load(lnId)) ERROR loBusAlbum.cErrorMsg ENDIF RETURN loBusAlbum.oData * Album ************************************************************************ * SaveAlbum **************************************** FUNCTION SaveAlbum(loAlbum) LOCAL lnId, album, loBusAlbum IF VARTYPE(loAlbum) # "O" ERROR "No album provided to save." ENDIF lnId = loBusAlbum = CREATEOBJECT("cAlbum") IF (lnId < 1 OR !loBusAlbum.Load(lnId)) *** Create new instance loBusAlbum.New() lnId = loBusAlbum.oData.Pk ENDIF loBusAlbum.oData = loAlbum loBusAlbum.oData.Pk = lnId IF !loBusAlbum.Save() ERROR "Unable to save album" ENDIF *** Return the album with update data RETURN loBusAlbum.oData * SaveAlbum ************************************************************************ * DeleteAlbum **************************************** FUNCTION DeleteAlbum() lnId = VAL(Request.QueryString("id")) loBusAlbum = CREATEOBJECT("cAlbum") IF !loBusAlbum.Delete(lnId) ERROR loBusAlbum.cErrorMsg ENDIF RETURN .T. * DeleteAlbum

Testing REST Endpoints

When building REST APIs it's quite useful to have a good way to test APIs without having to run an application against it. There are a number of tools available that can help with this process.

  • Fiddler's Composer
    One of the tab in the Fiddler HTTP Proxy is the Composer tab that lets you enter URLs and request data to play back repeatedly. Works well for single URLs.

  • PostMan Chrome Plug-in
    Postman is a flexible Chrome plug-in and Chrome App that allows you to create requests and also save them to lists that you can refer back to.

  • West Wind Web Surge
    Although West Wind WebSurge is billed as a load testing tool it also works as an excellent HTTP testing tool that lets you capture URLs and play them back either one by one for testing or under load for stress testing a Web site.

Example Service Implementation

The MusicStore sample that ships with Web Connection in the wwDemo/MusicStore folder provides a full REST service implementation that you can take a look at. Here's a small excerpt of that service implementation.

************************************************************* DEFINE CLASS MusicStoreProcess AS WWC_RESTPROCESS ************************************************************* ********************************************************************* * Function MusicStoreProcess :: OnProcessInit ************************************ *** If you need to hook up generic functionality that occurs on *** every hit against this process class , implement this method. ********************************************************************* FUNCTION OnProcessInit *** Force GZip on result if browser requests Response.GzipCompression = .T. RETURN .T. ENDFUNC ************************************************************************ * Artists **************************************** FUNCTION Artists() LOCAL loBusArtist, loArtists, loEnv #IF .F. LOCAL Request as wwRequest, Response as wwPageResponse #ENDIF loBusArtist = CREATEOBJECT("cArtist") loArtists = null *loEnv = CREATEOBJECT("wwEnv","EngineBehavior","70") lnEB = SET("ENGINEBEHAVIOR") SET ENGINEBEHAVIOR 70 lnCount = loBusArtist.Query("Select distinct Artists.*, "+; "(select COUNT(pk) from albums " + ; " where artistPk = " +; " as Count from Artists, Albums " +; "WHERE == albums.artistPk " +; "ORDER BY artists.artistName",; "TArtists",64) SET ENGINEBEHAVIOR (lnEb) IF (lnCount > 0) loArtists = loBusArtist.vResult ELSE ERROR "No artists could be found." ENDIF RETURN loArtists ENDFUNC * Artists ************************************************************************ * Artist **************************************** FUNCTION Artist(loArtist) #IF .F. LOCAL Request as wwRequest, Response as wwPageResponse #ENDIF lcVerb = Request.GetHttpverb() *** Handle REST Operations IF lcVerb = "POST" OR lcVerb = "PUT" *** Update or create new artist RETURN THIS.UpdateArtist(loArtist) && updated/new artist ENDIF IF lcVerb = "DELETE" loBusArtist = CREATEOBJECT("cArtist") RETURN loBusArtist.Delete(lnPk) && .T. or .F. ENDIF lnPk = VAL(Request.QueryString("id")) loBusArtist = CREATEOBJECT("cArtist") IF (!loBusArtist.Load(lnPk)) ERROR loBusArtist.cErrorMsg ENDIF loBusArtist.LoadAlbums() RETURN loBusArtist.oData ENDFUNC * Artist ************************************************************************ * UpdateArtist **************************************** FUNCTION UpdateArtist(loArtist) IF VARTYPE(loArtist) # "O" ERROR "Invalid data passed." ENDIF lnPk = loBusArtist = CREATEOBJECT("cArtist") IF lnPk = 0 loBusArtist.New() ELSE IF !loBusArtist.Load(lnPk) ERROR "Invalid Artist Id." ENDIF ENDIF loArt = loBusArtist.oData loArt.Descript = loArtist.Descript loArt.ArtistName = loArtist.ArtistName loArt.ImageUrl = loArtist.ImageUrl loArt.AmazonUrl = loArtist.AmazonUrl IF !loBusArtist.Validate() OR ! loBusArtist.Save() ERROR loBusArtist.cErrorMsg ENDIF loBusArtist.LoadAlbums() RETURN loArt ENDFUNC * UpdateArtist ************************************************************************ * Albums **************************************** FUNCTION Albums() LOCAL loBusAlbum, loAlbums loBusAlbum = CREATEOBJECT("cAlbum") loAlbums = null *** Load albums individually and then load *** related artist and songs via bus object *** this way we get a nested JSON structure IF loBusAlbum.GetAlbumPkList() > -1 loAlbums = CREATEOBJECT("Collection") SCAN loBusAlbum.Load(TAlbums.Pk) loAlbums.Add(loBusAlbum.oData) ENDSCAN USE IN TAlbums ENDIF RETURN loAlbums ENDFUNC * Albums ************************************************************************ * Album **************************************** FUNCTION Album(loAlbum) lcVerb = Request.GetHttpVerb() *** Handle alternate verbs with same URL with *** separate method since we don't have method overloading in VFP IF (lcVerb == "POST" OR lcVerb == "PUT") RETURN THIS.SaveAlbum(loAlbum) ENDIF IF lcVerb == "DELETE" RETURN this.DeleteAlbum() ENDIF lnId = VAL(Request.QueryString("id")) IF (lnId < 1) ERROR "Invalid Id passed" ENDIF loBusAlbum = CREATEOBJECT("cAlbum") IF (!loBusAlbum.Load(lnId)) ERROR loBusAlbum.cErrorMsg ENDIF RETURN loBusAlbum.oData ENDFUNC * Album ************************************************************************ * SaveAlbum **************************************** FUNCTION SaveAlbum(loAlbum) LOCAL lnId, album, loBusAlbum IF VARTYPE(loAlbum) # "O" ERROR "No album provided to save." ENDIF lnId = loBusAlbum = CREATEOBJECT("cAlbum") IF (lnId < 1 OR !loBusAlbum.Load(lnId)) *** Create new instance loBusAlbum.New() lnId = loBusAlbum.oData.Pk ENDIF loBusAlbum.oData = loAlbum loBusAlbum.oData.Pk = lnId IF !loBusAlbum.Validate() ERROR loBusAlbum.cErrorMsg ENDIF IF !loBusAlbum.Save() ERROR "Unable to save album" ENDIF *** Return the album with update data RETURN loBusAlbum.oData ENDFUNC * SaveAlbum ************************************************************************ * DeleteAlbum **************************************** FUNCTION DeleteAlbum() lnId = VAL(Request.QueryString("id")) loBusAlbum = CREATEOBJECT("cAlbum") IF !loBusAlbum.Delete(lnId) ERROR loBusAlbum.cErrorMsg ENDIF RETURN .T. ENDFUNC * DeleteAlbum ENDDEFINE

See also

Class wwRestProcess | How wwRestService works

© West Wind Technologies, 1996-2024 • Updated: 08/17/21
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