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Retrieves a collection of all the form variables keys and values in the Request.Form() collection so you can iterate the variables.

The collection contains an object that has Key and Value properties.



Optional prefix for the name of the values to retrieve.

Optional - if passed lets you parse other data buffers than .cFormVars. Supported values:

  • Request.cQueryString
  • Request.cServerVars

This allows you retrieve a collection of query string, and server variables in the same way you can with form variables.


loVars = Request.GetFormVarCollection() *** Iteration of the form variables FOR EACH loVar in loVars FOXOBJECT lcKey = loVar.Key lcValue = loVar.Value ENDFOR *** Access by key lcName = loVars.Item("txtName") *** Access by Index lcCompany = loVars.Item(2) *** Retrieve non-form data collections loQueryStrings = Request.GetFormVarCollection("", Request.cQueryString) loServerVars = Request.GetFormVarCollection("", Request.cServerVars)

See also:

Class wwrequest

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