Class wwJsonSerializer
about 6 minutes to read

This class can serialize FoxPro objects, values, collections and cursors to JSON and deserialize JSON strings into FoxPro objects, values or collections. Arrays are supported only as members of objects - all lists should be expressed preferably as Collections.

The serializer supports complex nested structures and can also serialize (but not directly deserialize) FoxPro tables and cursors by way of a custom string syntax (cursor:AliasName). Objects returned are created dynamically on the fly with all arrays parsed into FoxPro collections.

The serializer can handle these FoxPro types:

  • Simple Values (strings, numbers, bools, dates, blob)
  • Objects - plain or nested
  • Arrays
  • Collections
  • Cursors (using special cursor:<cursorName> syntax)

The de-serializer can handle these JSON types:

  • Simple Values (string, number, bool, date, blob)
  • Objects - plain or nested
  • Arrays - returned as FoxPro Collections!
  • Cursors - returned as collections - use CollectionToCursor()


Serialization takes a FoxPro value, object, collection or cursor and turns it into JSON.

Serialize Existing Objects or Values

do wwJsonSerializer loSer = CREATEOBJECT("wwJsonSerializer") lcJson = loSer.Serialize(loObject) && Objects, Values, Collections

Simple Value Serialization

loSer = CREATEOBJECT("wwJsonSerializer") *** Strings are encoded for a number of things which is why it's not a good *** good idea to generate JSON by hand! lcJson = loSer.Serialize("Some Long String."+ CHR(13) +CHR(10) + "More Text") *** Result: "Some Long String.\r\nMore Text" lcJson = loSer.Serialize(DateTime()) && "2024-01-23T22:44:10Z" lcJson = loSer.Serialize(.T.) && true lcJson = loSer.Serialize(155.55) && 155.55

Simple Object Serialization

You can serialize any FoxPro objects or arrays, but you will end up with a lot of extra 'noise' in the object graph with types of Custom or Relation even, due to FoxPro base class properties which also get serialized.

To get clean objects that only hold the properties you create, you can use EMPTY objects and explicitly add properties which is what the following examples demonstrate.

loCustomer = CREATEOBJECT("Empty") ADDPROPERTY(loCustomer,"lastname", "Strahl") ADDPROPERTY(loCustomer,"firstname", "Rick") ADDPROPERTY(loCustomer,"company", "West Wind") loSer = CREATEOBJECT("wwJsonSerializer") loSer.PropertyNameOverrides = "lastName,firstName" && exact casing lcJson = loSer.Serialize(loCustomer, .T.)

which produces:

{ "company": "West Wind", "firstName": "Rick", "lastName": "Strahl", }

Nested Objects and Arrays

loCustomer = CREATEOBJECT("Empty") *** Top level properties ADDPROPERTY(loCustomer,"lastname", "Strahl") ADDPROPERTY(loCustomer,"firstname", "Rick") ADDPROPERTY(loCustomer,"company", "West Wind") *** Nested object loAddress = CREATEOBJECT("EMPTY") ADDPROPERTY(loCustomer, "address", loAddress) && Add as child to ^customer ADDPROPERTY(loAddress, "street", "101 Nowhere Lane") ADDPROPERTY(loAddress, "city", "Anytown") ADDPROPERTY(loAddress, "zip", "11111") *** Nested JSON Array (as FoxPro Collection) loOrders = CREATEOBJECT("Collection") ADDPROPERTY(loCustomer,"Orders",loOrders) *** Add items to Array loOrder = CREATEOBJECT("EMPTY") ADDPROPERTY(loOrder,"OrderNo","11111") ADDPROPERTY(loOrder,"Amount",150.40) ADDPROPERTY(loOrder,"OrderDate",DATETIME()) loOrders.Add(loOrder) loOrder = CREATEOBJECT("EMPTY") ADDPROPERTY(loOrder,"OrderNo","2222") ADDPROPERTY(loOrder,"Amount",50.55) ADDPROPERTY(loOrder,"OrderDate",DATETIME()) loOrders.Add(loOrder) *** A Collection doesn't have to have object members *** It can also hold simple Values (ie. strings, numbers, dates etc.) * loOrders.Add("Item 1") * loOrders.Add("Item 2") loSer = CREATEOBJECT("wwJsonSerializer") loSer.PropertyNameOverrides = "lastName,firstName,orderNo,orderDate" && exact casing lcJson = loSer.Serialize(loCustomer, .T.)

Important: FoxPro objects don't return property names in a case sensitive way, so by default all property names are serialized as lower case. If you need mixed case property names, you can use PropertyNameOverrides to override specific property names with custom casing.

The above produces:

{ "address": { "city": "Anytown", "street": "101 Nowhere Lane", "zip": "11111" }, "company": "West Wind", "firstName": "Rick", "lastName": "Strahl", "orders": [ { "amount": 150.4, "orderDate": "2024-01-23T22:31:17Z", "orderNo": "11111" }, { "amount": 50.55, "orderDate": "2024-01-23T22:31:17Z", "orderNo": "2222" } ] }

FoxPro Cursors or Tables

select * from customers into TCustomers lcJson = loSer.Serialize("cursor:TCustomers") && Tables/Cursors

Add a FoxPro Cursor as a nested Array

You can also add a cursor as a nested array property in the JSON:

loCustomer = CREATEOBJECT("Empty") *** regular value property ADDPROPERTY(loCustomer,"company", "West Wind") *** Array property from open Cursor TOrders select * from Orders where custId = lnOrderId INTO CURSOR TOrders ADDPROPERTY(loCustomer,"orders","cursor:TOrders") && creates JSON Array

Cursor Serialization

A Cursor is serialized into JSON as an Array of Objects and de-serialized from JSON as a FoxPro Collections of Objects. It does not automatically de-serialize back into a cursor!

However, you can use wwJsonSerializer::DeserializeCursor or CollectionToCursor() to convert JSON collections back into an open cursor or table.


Deserialization takes a JSON string and turns it into a FoxPro value (for simple types) or an object or collection, depending on the top level JSON structure.

Deserialization Formats

  • JSON Values are mapped to FoxPro Values (ie. string, numbers, bool, dates, bytes, binary)
  • JSON Objects are mapped to FoxPro EMPTY Objects
  • JSON Arrays are mapped to FoxPro Collection Objects
  • Nested object and array structures are maintained in the generated FoxPro object

The deserializer creates a mapped FoxPro object using values, objects and arrays that map the JSON structure into a FoxPro structure. This allows for objects and arrays to contain other objects and arrays in deeply nested structures.

Object Deserialization

Here's an example that demonstrates how wwJsonSerializer works when round-tripping data:

*** Start with a valid JSON string of a nested object lcJson = '{ "id": 50445, "message": "Whooo hooo", ' +; ' "status": 10 , "entered": "2018-11-21T23:10:10Z", ' +; ' "address": { "street": "123 Timber Ln", "number": 32 } }' *** Deserialize into a FoxPro object loSer = CREATEOBJECT("wwJsonSerializer") loResult = loSer.DeserializeJson(lcJson) ? loResult.Id && 50444 ? loResult.entered && 11/21/2018 03:10 PM (local time) *** turn the object back into JSON - formatted in this case ? loSer.Serialize(loResult,.T.)

The code takes in a JSON string converts it to an object and then turns around and turns it back into formatted JSON which looks like this (formatted because of the .T. parameter):

{ "address": { "number": 32, "street": "123 Timber Ln" }, "entered": "2018-11-21T23:10:10Z", "id": 50445, "message": "Whooo hooo", "status": 10 }

Arrays Deserialize as Collections

Arrays in JSON are deserialized as FoxPro Collection objects so they can be easily iterated using standard Collection syntax.

TEXT TO lcJson [ { "name": "John Doe", "company": "Acme Inc", "address": { "street": "123 Timber Ln" }, "status": 10 }, { "name": "Dianne Franken", "company": "Dole Inc", "address": { "street": "312 Northrupp" }, "status": 11 } ] ENDTEXT LOCAL loItems as Collection loSer = CREATEOBJECT("wwJsonSerializer") loItems = loSer.Deserialize(lcJson) FOR EACH loItem IN loItems FOXOBJECT ? loItem.Name ? loItem.Address.Street ? "----" ENDFOR *** Alternately access individual items by index FOR lnX = 1 TO loItems.Count loItem = loItems[lnX] ? loItem.Name ? loItem.Address.Street ? "----" ENDFOR *** Or this syntax loItem2 = loItems.Item(2) ? loItem2.Name

Nested Arrays

You can access nested arrays inside of an object in the same way as top level arrays shown in the previous example:

TEXT TO lcJson { "Customers": [ { "name": "John Doe", "company": "Acme Inc", }, { "name": "Dianne Franken", "company": "Dole Inc", } ], "created": "2014-02-20T00:00:00Z" } ENDTEXT LOCAL loCustomers as Collection loSer = CREATEOBJECT("wwJsonSerializer") loResult = loSer.Deserialize(lcJson) && loResult is an object loCustomers = loResult.Customers && Array Property FOR EACH loCustomer IN loCustomers FOXOBJECT ? loCustomer.Name ? loCustomer.Company ? "----" ENDFOR *** Or directly ? loResult.Customers[1].Name

Class Members



Deserializes a JSON string into a FoxPro value, object or wwCollection instance for arrays. This method uses .NET and the JSON.NET library.



Deserializes a top level JSON object array into an open FoxPro cursor or table.

o.DeserializeCursor(lcJson, lcReadWriteCursor)


Produces pretty-formatted, indented JSON from an unformatted JSON string.



Maps a JSON property name to a new name. This can be useful if you created JSON from a FoxPro object, but the JSON needs a property name that FoxPro's property naming limitations don't allow for.

o.MapPropertyName(@lcJson, lcOriginal,lcNewName)


This method works like FoxPro's ADDPROPERTY() that automatically adds the property name specified to the PropertyNameOverrides so the case is preserved during serialization.



This class can serialize FoxPro objects, values, collections and cursors to JSON and deserialize JSON strings into FoxPro objects, values or collections. Arrays are supported only as members of objects - all lists should be expressed preferably as Collections.

o.Serialize(lvValue, llFormat)


If set to .T. assumes that all dates in the data structure passed are UTC dates and the dates are not time adjusted for UTC time.


Allows you to explicitly set a predefined date value for empty FoxPro dates when serializing, since JSON doesn't have the notion of the empty date. This is the date value that the serializer applies to FoxPro empty dates when serializing into JSON.


When .T. causes the output to be pretty formatted with indentations for each object level.


Specialty property that when .T. ignores properties that start with $ in the name. The properties are not included in the output in that case.


Comma delimited, lower case list of object properties that should not be serialized when serializing objects.


Property name filter applied to properties that are dynamically created by the deserializer. Strips out invalid characters for FoxPro variable names.


Comma delimited list of property names to override in the result JSON document.


If .T. trims all string values removing trailing spaces to minimize payload size on the wire.


Assembly: wwjsonserializer.prg wwDotnetBridge.prg wwutils.prg wwapi.prg wwcollections.prg wwDotnetBridge.dll newtonsoft.json.dll

See also:

Class wwDynamic

© West Wind Technologies, 1996-2024 • Updated: 02/18/24
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