The wwSocket class is a basic client side TCP/IP access library that lets you read and write raw sockets with a few simple method calls. Note only TCP/IP is supported - no UTP support.
Based on: Custom
Stored in: wwIPStuff.vcx
IMPORTANT: You can only run one socket instance per FoxPro application!!! If you connect a second socket you will kill any previous existing socket connections created with this class.
Requires Winsock 2.0 on the client machine. (ws2_32.dll in your SYSTEM32/SYSTEM dir).
Class Members
Member | Description | |
connect |
Connects to a socket on a server. o.connect(lcServer, lnPort) |
disconnect |
Disconnects from a socket on the server. o.disconnect() |
GetLog |
Returns the content of the log captured when lLogSession is .T. o.GetLog() |
Listen |
Puts a socket into server mode to listen for incoming connections on a given port. If a connection is made the socket is opened for reading and writing using the regular Send/Receive etc. methods. o.Listen(lnPort,lnTimeOut) |
receive |
Receives data from a socket. o.receive(lnSize) |
send |
Sends data to a socket on the server. o.send(lcInput) |
sendreceive |
Sends a string to the open socket, waits for a response and returns the string response. o.sendreceive(lcInput,lnSize) |
socketsend |
High level method that connects to a socket, sends data and receives a result then disconnects from the socket. Great for various XML services that follow a simple transaction model with a 'hit'. o.socketsend(lcInput,lcServer,lnServerPort,lnTimeout,@lcError) |
WaitFor |
Receives data until either the provided string is found or the request times out based on the nTimeout property setting. o.WaitFor(lcSearchString,lnSize) |
WaitForSize |
Reads a socket until the specified number of bytes are received. o.WaitForSize(lnBytes) |
cerrormsg |
Error Message if an error occurred. | |
lLogSession |
Allows you to log the entire TCP/IP session and retrieve the log via the GetLog() method. | |
lstripnulls |
Strips CHR(0) NULLS from the received buffer. Otherwise the full buffer will be passed back which is padded with CHR(0)'s. | |
nBufferSize |
The default Receive buffer size in bytes. This size is used to determine how much data the socket waits for at a time before returning control to you. | |
nerror |
Error Number | |
nLastReadSize |
The size of the data returned on the last Receive() method call. Use this if you're reading binary data that might contain NULLS and might not fill the buffer fully. | |
ntimeout |
Socket timeout, in seconds, used to determine when an operation fails due to an idle timeout of no data sent or received. |
© West Wind Technologies, 1996-2024 • Updated: 05/14/13
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