Creates a JSON string from a .NET object or value passed in.
Return Value
JSON string or null on failure
A .NET Interop object or simple value like string, number, date, bool...
If .T. forces the JSON to be pretty formatted
Only works with .NET Interop objects and simple values (strings, numbers, dates, bools) - FoxPro or other non-.NET COM objects passed in will render empty objects.
Depends on NewtonSoft.Json.dll library present in addition to wwdotnetbridge.dll
Works only in the Commercial versions of wwDotnetBridge (West Wind tools)
loCust = loBridge.CreateInstance("Westwind.WebConnection.TestCustomer")
loCust.Name = "Rick"
loCust.Company = "Westwind"
loCust.Number = 100.21
loCust.Entered = DATETIME()
loCust.Address.Street = "32 Kaiea"
loCust.Address.City = "Paia"
*** Serialize to JSON string
lcJson = loBridge.ToJson(loCust,.t.)
? lcJson
*** Deserialize into a new object entirely
loCust2 = loBridge.FromJson(lcJson,"Westwind.WebConnection.TestCustomer")
? loCust2.Company
? loCust2.Address.City
// JSON result
"Name": "Rick",
"Company": "Westwind",
"Entered": "2013-01-21T13:52:32",
"Number": 100.21,
"Address": {
"Street": "32 Kaiea",
"City": "Paia"
See also:
Class wwDotNetBridge | wwJsonSerializer::FromJson | wwJsonSerializer::ToXml© West Wind Technologies, 1996-2024 • Updated: 10/02/24
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