Retrieving all messages in a mail box
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The high level GetMessages() method retrieves all messages from a mailbox into a local object which you can parse easily with code like the following:
#INCLUDE wconnect.h do wwPOP3 && Load Libraries loPOP = CREATEOBJECT("wwPOP3") loPop.cMailServer = "" loPop.cUserName = "rickstrahl" loPop.cPassword = "password" *** Create a log string loPop.lLogSession = .T. IF !loPOP.Connect() ? "Couldn't connect: " + loPOp.cErrorMsg RETURN ENDIF lnMsgs = loPop.Getmessages() ? "Messages in Inbox: " + TRANSFORM( lnMsgs,"9,999" ) ? "---" For x = 1 to lnMsgs ? loPop.aMessages[x].cSubject ? "From: " + loPop.aMessages[x].cFromName + " Size: " + ; TRANSFORM(loPop.aMessages[x].nSize/1000,"999,999,999.99") + "kb" ? loPop.aMessages[x].cBody IF (loPop.aMessages[x].nAttachments) > 0 ? "Attachments: " FOR y = 1 TO loPop.aMessages[x].nAttachments ?? loPop.aMessages[x].aAttachments[y].cFileName + " " * lcAttachment = loPop.aMessages[x].aAttachments[y].cBody ENDFOR ? "---" ENDIF endfor RETURN
Note that the above code does not delete messages, which can be accomplished by passing the second parameter to GetMessages() as .T.
You can also use the low level methods to retrieve messages one at a time and parse them as needed or just retrieve headers etc.
© West Wind Technologies, 1996-2024 • Updated: 02/17/02
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