This class provides SFTP (Secure FTP over SSH) support for connecting to SFTP servers.
DO wwSftpClient
DO wwutils && for UI helpers only
*** Using Rebex Tiny SFTP Server for local testing
lcServer = ""
lnPort = 23
lcUsername = "tester"
lcPassword = "password"
? "*** wwSftpClient Test***"
loFtp = CREATEOBJECT("wwsFtpClient")
loFtp.cLogFile = "c:\temp\ftp.log" && verbose log - leave empty
loFtp.lIgnoreCertificateErrors = .T. && self-signed cert not installed
loFtp.cServer = lcServer
loFtp.nPort = lnPort
loFtp.cUsername = lcUsername
loFtp.cPassword = lcPassword
*** Optional Progress Events - clas below
loFtp.oProgressEventObject = CREATEOBJECT("SFtpClientProgressEvents")
IF !loFtp.Connect()
? loFtp.cErrorMsg
? "Connected to " + lcServer
IF !loFtp.DownloadFile("SubFolder/Sail-Big.jpg", "c:\temp\Sail-Big.jpg")
? loFtp.cErrorMsg
? "Downloaded " + "SubFolder/Sail-Big.jpg"
lcUploadFile = "SubFolder/Sail-Big-UPLOADED" + SYS(2015) + ".jpg"
IF !loFtp.UploadFile("c:\temp\Sail-Big.jpg", lcUploadFile)
? loFtp.cErrorMsg
? "Uploaded " + lcuploadFile
*** provide a folder name (no wildcards)
loCol = loFtp.ListFiles("/SubFolder")
? loFtp.cErrorMsg
? TRANSFORM(loCol.Count ) + " matching file(s)"
? loFtp.cErrorMsg
? loFile.Name
IF ( AT("Sail-Big-UPLOADED",loFile.Name) = 1)
*? loFtp.oBridge.ToJson(loFile) && for kicks print out as json
IF loFtp.DeleteFile(loFile.FullName)
? "*** Deleted " + loFile.FullName
DEFINE class SFtpClientProgressEvents as Custom
*** You can set this to .T. to abort an upload or download
lCancelDownload = .F.
FUNCTION OnFtpBufferUpdate(lnPercent, lnDownloadedBytes, lcRemotePath, lcMode)
lcMsg = lcMode + ": " + TRANSFORM(lnPercent) + "% complete. " + lcRemotePath + " - " + TRANSFORM(lnDownloadedBytes) + " bytes"
? "*** " + lcMsg
This API uses a .NET library to provide FTP functionality.
- wwIpstuff.dll
- wwDotnetBridge.dll
- Renci.sshNet.dll
Class Members
Member | Description | |
OnFtpBufferUpdate |
OnFtpBufferUpdate Function: Event that fires whenever the buffer is updated by downloadfile or uploadfile. Pass: Return: lcMode: upload download |
ChangeDirectory |
Changes the active directory on the FTP server. This affects how relative paths are handled. o.ChangeDirectory(lcFtpPath) |
Close |
Closes the FTP connections. o.Close() |
Connect |
This establishes the initial connection to the server. The connection needs to stay open for any of the FTP operation commands. o.Connect(lcServer, lcUsername, lcPassword) |
CreateDirectory |
Creates a new directory on the server. o.CreateDirectory(lcFtpPath) |
DeleteDirectory |
Deletes a directory from the FTP server. o.DeleteDirectory(lcFtpPath) |
DeleteFile |
Deletes a file from the server. o.DeleteFile(lcFile) |
DownloadFile |
Downloads a file from the FTP server to a local file. o.DownloadFile(lcFtpPath, lcTargetFile) |
ExecuteCommand |
FtpCommand Function: Issue an arbitrary FTP Command Assume: Connection must exist with FtpOpen Pass: Return: o.ExecuteCommand(lcCommand) |
ExecuteDownloadCommand |
ExecuteDownloadCommand Function: Issue an arbitrary FTP Command Assume: Connection must exist with FtpOpen Pass: Return: o.ExecuteDownloadCommand(lcCommand) |
Exists |
Checks to see if a remote file exists. o.Exists(lcRemoteFile) |
ListFiles |
Retrieves a directory listing from the server with all files returned as a collection. o.ListFiles(lcFtpPath) |
RenameFile |
Renames a file on the server which allows for fast copying. o.RenameFile(lcOldName, lcNewName) |
UploadFile |
Uploads a file to the server from a local file. o.UploadFile(lcLocalFile, lcFtpPath) |
cErrorMsg |
Error message set after a method call that fails | |
cftpserver |
The FTP server to connect to | |
cftpsource |
The Source file to upload from the client or download from the server. | |
cftptarget |
The file to download to from the server or upload to on the server. | |
cHttpProxyByPass |
cHttpProxyName |
cHttpProxyPassword |
cHttpProxyPort |
cHttpProxyUsername |
cLogFile |
Optional log file that receives ftp log output | |
cPassword |
Password for the connection | |
cPrivateKeyFile |
Optional Private key file for sign on | |
cPrivateKeyFilePassword |
Optional Private key file password for sign on | |
cUsername |
Username for the connection | |
lcanceldownload |
Cancel flag that can be set in OnFTPBufferUpdate to let wwFTP know to stop downloading a file from the Internet. | |
lEnableProgressEvents |
lIgnoreCertificateErrors |
Allows you to ignore certificate errors NOT RECOMMENDED: Fix your Certs! | |
lpassiveftp |
Flag that sets whether to use passive FTP. | |
lUseTls |
Tsl used for this request (FTPS protocol: FTP over TLS) | |
nftpworkbuffersize |
nPort |
The port to run the FTP connection on | |
nTimeout |
Connection timeout in seconds | |
oBridge |
wwDotnetBridge instance | |
oFtpClient |
.NET wwFtpClient instance | |
oProgressEventObject |
Assembly: wwsftpclient.prg© West Wind Technologies, 1996-2024 • Updated: 06/25/24
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