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This method works like FoxPro's ADDPROPERTY() that automatically adds the property name specified to the PropertyNameOverrides so the case is preserved during serialization.

This reduces the overhead in code having to explicitly set the property names in proper case when creating dynamic objects.

Note that this method is not required to create serializable objects - any FoxPro object instance will work. However, it's quite common to create dynamic structures at runtime in order to send data to servers that have to match a specific structure. Use this function if you were already using ADDOBJECT() and were manually setting PropertyNameOverrides. If you are using concrete classes created with DEFINE CLASS, this mechanism is not applicable.



The object on which to add the property

The name of the property to add to the object.

The value to set the object to. If not specified the value is .F.


If you re-use the wwJsonSerializer instance, make sure to clear out the PropertyNameOverrides property before the next call.


*** Create the serializer LOCAL loSer as wwJsonSerializer loSer = CREATEOBJECT("wwJsonSerializer") loRec = CREATEOBJECT("Empty") *** Create matching properties loSer.Property(loRec,"AgencyID","021211") loSer.Property(loRec,"TransactionID","50000156") loSer.Property(loRec,"PublicLocation",1) loSer.Property(loRec, "CallReceivedDateTime",DATETIME()) *** Create the child array loUnits = CREATEOBJECT("Collection") loSer.Property(loRec, "Unit",loUnits) FOR lnX = 1 TO 3v loUnit = CREATEOBJECT("EMPTY") loSer.Property(loUnit,"UnitDispatchNumber","10006733") loSer.Property(loUnit,"UnitId",TRANSFORM(lnX)) loSer.Property(loUnit,"PulseDispatchStatus","ER") loSer.Property(loUnit,"UnitEnrouteDateTime",DATETIME()) loUnits.Add(loUnit) ENDFOR *** Serialize object to a string lcJson = loSer.Serialize(loRec)

The result:

{ "AgencyID":"07035", "CallReceivedDateTime":"2013-11-12T03:06:36Z", "PublicLocation":1, "TransactionID":"50000156", "Unit":[ {"PulseDispatchStatus":"ER","UnitDispatchNumber":"10006733", "UnitEnrouteDateTime":"2013-11-12T03:06:36Z","UnitId":"1"}, {"PulseDispatchStatus":"ER","UnitDispatchNumber":"10006733", "UnitEnrouteDateTime":"2013-11-12T03:06:36Z","UnitId":"2"}, {"PulseDispatchStatus":"ER","UnitDispatchNumber":"10006733", "UnitEnrouteDateTime":"2013-11-12T03:06:36Z","UnitId":"3"} ] }

See also:

Class wwJsonSerialize

© West Wind Technologies, 1996-2024 • Updated: 02/14/20
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