
The Authenticate method uses UserSecurity authorization to handle:

  • User Authentication by username and password
  • Validating an Authorization Bearer Token for a valid login
  • Logging by removing/invalidating a token and the active session

wwRestProcess::Authenticate() uses the wwSession class and requires a call to InitTokenSession() (implicitly made if you didn't call it yourself), but it doesn't use Cookies like the base wwProcess class does. The REST authentication replaces Cookie authentication with Bearer Token Authentication.

To do this this method can be called in three ways:

  • Authenticate(lcUsername, lcPassword)
    User Authentication Mode
    With two parameters it authenticates a user based on a passed in username and password and updates the new session and various wwProcess authentication properties. As with the no-parameter version all the user related properties are populated if the authentication succeeds. If it fails a 401 Unauthorized response is returned.

  • Authenticate()
    Token Validation Mode
    With no parameters this method is in Validation Mode validates a user and assigns the various wwProcess authentication properties if the user is authenticated. In essence the User token is mapped to a UserSecurity record (by default - you can override this behavior) if the check succeeds, and if it fails results in a 401 Unauthorized response.

  • Authenticate("LOGOUT")
    Logout Mode
    This simple operation is meant to remove an existing token. You need to be signed in and provide a Bearer token in the Authorization header and that active session and token will then be removed.

This mechanism is based on Bearer Token authentication which assumes that a token is passed in the Authorization header of the request coming from the client:

Authorization: Bearer x312d2dasdas2

The token is stored using the wwSession object along with user security information.


There are three distinct operations that need to be performed:

  • Check if a user is already signed in (in OnProcessInit())
  • Sign in a user
  • Sign out a user

Check if a User is Signed in

To check if a user is signed in you need to check on every request that has to be authenticated. The following assumes all requests need to be authenticated except those on the ignore list:

FUNCTION OnProcessInit


*** IMPORTANT: InitTokenSession is required to pick up the Bearer token
***            and load or create a new session

*** Check for pages that should bypass auth - signin always (not signout though!)
lcScriptName = LOWER(JUSTFNAME(Request.GetPhysicalPath()))
llIgnoreLoginRequest = INLIST(lcScriptName,"testage","signin")

IF !llIgnoreLoginRequest
   *** Check for Authentication here based on the token (note no parameters)
   IF !this.Authenticate()   
	   THIS.ErrorResponse("Access Denied. Please sign in first.","401 Unauthorized")
	   RETURN .F. && Response is handled


The call to InitTokenSession() creates a session based on the passed Bearer token in the Authorization header.

The call to Authorize() maps the token from the session to a UserSecurity object and the various Auth properties on the wwRestProcess class.


In order for users to sign in and create the initial token you need to pass credentials into a specific request - here called Signin. You use the credentials to validate the user. By default a username and password is validated against the user security class configured.

FUNCTION SignIn(loCredentials)
LOCAL loToken, llError, lcErrorMsg, lcToken, ltExpires

lcErrorMsg = ""
lcToken = ""
	*** Sign in: If successful sets oUserSecurity, lIsAuthenticated, cAuthenticatedUser etc.
	IF this.Authenticate(loCredentials.Username, loCredentials.Password)
		lcToken = Session.cSessionId 
		ltExpires = Session.oData.FirstOn + Session.nSessionTimeout
		*** Set any custom values you might need
		Session.Save() && Explicit save: Session on REST Services don't save by default		
		lcErrorMsg = "Invalid Credentials..."	    
		llError = .T.
CATCH TO loException
    lcErrorMsg = loException.Message
	llError = .T.

IF llError
   RETURN THIS.ErrorResponse(lcErrorMsg,"401 Not Authorized")

*** Response
ADDPROPERTY(loToken,"token", lcToken)
ADDPROPERTY(loToken,"expires", ltExpires)

** Add other client cachable user data here as properties if you need

RETURN loToken
*  Signin

Once the user has logged in the user is reloaded on every request if a valid token is provided.


If you need to explicitly sign out a user you can do so using an explicit method like this:

FUNCTION Signout()
JsonService.IsRawResponse = .T.
Response.Write( [{ message: "Successfully logged out." }])   
*   Signout

In order to sign out you have to be signed in with a token. The token determines which session record is removed once you sign out.

Overriding functionality

As in the HTML wwProcess class you can override parts of the Authentication process. For example if you want to use some other authentication mechanism than User Security you can do that by overriding OnAuthenticateUser for example, without having to rewrite the entire Authentication logic.

o.wwRestProcess.Authenticate(lcUsername, lcPassword)




See also:

Class wwRestProcess

© West Wind Technologies, 1996-2024 • Updated: 11/13/23
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