
This is the top level entry point for external COM code calling the Web Connection server that's passing binary (byte[]) data for request data and receiving blob data in return.

This method is called by COM servers from the Web Connection ASP.NET Handler or ASP.NET Core Middleware component. It receives byte[] input data and returns a BLOB (byte[]) result back to the caller and converts these values into the traditional string parameters expected by the ProcessHit() method that handles the request processing.

By adding this method to receive and return binary data COM string encoding, which can cause encoding problems as strings are converted by ANSI and Unicode character sets. By using binary data COM never treats the data as a string and can directly output it into the HTTP output stream or pass it in as raw data from the request buffer. This also improves throughput as data doesn't isn't needlessly converted into Unicode strings first, reducing memory usage and processing overhead especially on large binary inputs.


Return Value

This method returns a string of the result from the server's processing. This typically will be an HTML/XML or other HTTP string.


This parameter contains the all of the server's request information. Typically this parameter is a string, but it may also be a filename (if llFile is .T.) in which case the info is loaded from a file. In the future this parameter may receive an object with the request information.

If .T. the first parameter passed was a full filename which is read and converted to a string.


When running an ASP Component this method can be called from an ASP page to run the Web Connection component:

This response will be fully self contained based on the incoming request data with output sent directly into the ASP Response stream.


See also:

Class wwServer | wwServer::ProcessHit

© West Wind Technologies, 1996-2024 • Updated: 04/19/20
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