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Allows the called method to specify that the result from the method should not be serialized. Used by wwRestService to not try set a content type or serialize and send out the result.

This is useful to allow a method to directly produce output for non-JSON results. For example if you have a RestService and decide to mix-in a couple images or document or even HTML requests.

This property can be accessed from within a service execution method via the PRIVATE JsonService instance as JsonService.RawResponse.

For example this method inside of a JsonService returns HTML:

FUNCTION Index() *** We take over the Response here - no JSON Serialization JsonService.IsRawResponse = .T. Response.ContentType = "text/html" Response.ExpandTemplate(this.oConfig.cHtmlPagePath + "index.wcs") Response.End() ENDFUNC FUNCTION Image(Id) *** Load image from db loBusImage = CREATEOBJECT("wwBusImage") IF !loBusImage.Load(id) ERROR loBusImage.cErrorMsg ENDIF JsonService.IsRawResponse = .T. Response.ContentType = loBusImage.ContentType Response.Write(loBusImage.ImageData) Response.End() ENDFUNC

See also:

Class wwJsonService | Sending raw, non-JSON Response results with a REST method

© West Wind Technologies, 1996-2024 • Updated: 04/22/24
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