Class wwHoverPanel
about 2 minutes to read

The wwWebHoverPanel control provides an easy way to load and pop up windows with content from the server within the context of the current page. You can specify a Url and then with a single function call make the callback and populate the content of the hover panel and optionally pop it up at the server.

The server control works in tandem with the client side wwHoverPanel class which is automated by the server control.

Note this control inherits from wwDragPanel and so inherits the ability to become draggable and closable if a DragHandleID is provided.

A typical markup layout looks like this:

<ww:wwHoverPanel ID="LookupPanel" runat="server" 
              Style="display: none; background: white;" 
              ShadowOpacity="0.18" >
    <!-- Note: These div panels are optional  -->
    <div id="PanelHeader" class="gridheader">Customer Info</div>
    <div id="PanelContent"  style="padding:10px;background:cornsilk;"></div>

By default the hover panel updates the panel's client content entirely. However, you can override the client ID that is the target of the client HTML update. In the example above the output is sent to the PanelContent <div> tag that's embedded inside of the hoverpanel. This allows you to design and style your panel independently of the output that's loaded into it from the server. A common scenario is for example to add headers as shown here.

To invoke a hover panel in client script, call the name of the panel and the startCallback function:

LookupPanel.startCallback(event,'id=' + $('txtCustomerId'));

where the second parameter is a (optional) querystring. Additional parameters allow a POST buffer and callback handler, and you can set additional properties on the client side LookupPanel object instance.

Use and Operation


Class Members



Determines if hovered windows automatically are moved up if the display their content outside fo the browser's client area


Determines whether a hover window automatically closes when you mouse out of it.


Determines how the result HTML is displayed in the current page:


Vertical Offset of the hover window from the mouse position. Can be negative to indicate positions above the mouse cursor.


Horizontal Offset of the hover window from the mouse position. Can be negative to indicate locations to the left of the mouse cursor.


Optional name of the HTML client ID that receives the target HTML.


The height of the IFrame when IFrame modes are used. Since IFrames can't easily autosize themselves a fixed size must be provided.


Determines whether this control is in a callback if the call is going back to the same page.


Determines if the navigation is delayed by a small hesitation delay. Useful for link hovering to avoid uncontrollable popups from accidental hoverings.


Event handler fired just before the HoverPanel is rendered.


Assembly: webcontrolsjquery.prg

See also:

HoverPanel Windows | Client Class HoverPanel | Class wwDragPanel |

© West Wind Technologies, 1996-2024 • Updated: 03/27/14
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