Class wwDatePicker
about 1 minute to read

A simple date picker control based on jQuery UI Datepicker control from Marc Grabanski.

The actual jQuery control is a control extender, while wwWebDatePicker is provided as a server control that exposes the properties of the client control for easy dragging and dropping on the form with control properties that can be set through your FoxPro code. You can still utilize the full client API of the jQuery control to further customize the control for things like range selection and customization of for regions and localization.

The control can operate in three modes as a button, auto-popup (click or enter textbox) or as an image button which is the default.

The control also supports several key board shortcuts for the textbox only:

  • T - Today
  • + and - - One date forward and back.
  • M and H - One month forward and back.


Depends on:

  • ~/scripts/jquery.js
  • ~/scripts/ui.datepicker/ui.datepicker.js
  • ~/scripts/ui.datepicker/ui.datepicker.min.js
  • ~/scripts/ui.datepicker/ui.datepicker.css
  • ~/images/calendar.gif

All but the jQuery path are configurable (jQuery.js is required in the /scripts folder of your virtual root).

Class Members



If Displaymode is ImageButton this is the image used


Determines whether the close button is shown at the top or bottom


The base path for the jquery-ui css. The theme is then applied ontop of this CSS. This path basically adds a CSS reference into the page adjusted for the specified Theme.


Date format used for selected date values in calendar.


Optional date value that limits the max date


Optional Date value that limits the min date


Optional client handler that is fired before the date pop up is displayed. Useful for updating the display characteristics of the dialog before it displays.


Optional Client Event Handler fired when date is selected.


The Selected Date as a date value


The jQuery-ui theme that is applied to the control against the CssBasePath property.


Assembly: webcontrolsjquery.prg

© West Wind Technologies, 1996-2024 • Updated: 12/24/11
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