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Fired after OnInit() after the server has finished initialization, but before OnLoad() which fires on the very first hit against the server.

Optionally use this method to override configuration settings or handle configuration of the server window.

Implement this method as part of your Web Connection Server Subclass in <yourApp>Main.prg.



This is an abstract method without implementation in the base class. This method is optional.

This method was added in v6.20 to make up for the recent to the OnLoad() behavior which now load on the first request rather than when the server is initially loaded. This method lets you hook into the server post configuration but prior to the first hit so you can perform UI fixups for the server window which otherwise would have to be delayed until OnLoad().


PROTECTED FUNCTION OnInitCompleted() IF THIS.lShowServerForm THIS.oServerForm.Caption = THIS.cServerId + " - " + ; THIS.cAppName + " " + WWVERSION ENDIF ENDFUNC

See also:

Class wwServer

© West Wind Technologies, 1996-2024 • Updated: 01/27/18
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