
This establishes the initial connection to the server. The connection needs to stay open for any of the FTP operation commands.

You should always check the return value from the connect request and check .cErrorMsg for error results.

Call .Close() when you're done with the connection.

o.Connect(lcServer, lcUsername, lcPassword)

Return Value

.T or .F. - check .cErrorMsg for error information.


Optional - the FTP server name. Alternately use .cFtpServer.

Server should be specified as a domain name or IP address:

Do not use a url like ftp://somesite.com:123. Each of the components have to be explicitly assigned to .cServer?and .nPort

Optional - connection user name if required by server. Alternately use cUsername.

Optional - connection password if required by server. Alternately use .cPassword.

See also:

Class wwSftpClient |

© West Wind Technologies, 1996-2024 • Updated: 05/26/24
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