Welcome to West Wind Web Connection 8.0

Ready to start building Web Applications with Visual FoxPro? Web Connection is a complete application framework for developing scalable, Web based business solutions using Visual FoxPro. With Web Connection you can create both server and client centric Html based Web applications, REST services or application servers. You can use the familiar FoxPro language and development environment to reuse existing FoxPro business code on the Web, using the environment and tooling you already know.

Web Connection is a proven development platform that has been around since 1995 and is widely used in both small business and large scale applications. If you are a FoxPro developer you can leverage your existing FoxPro skills and development workflow to build Web/Cloud based applications.

Whether you're an existing user looking to upgrade or a new user getting into Web Connection and Web development with FoxPro for the first time, Web Connection is easier than ever to build, deploy and manage your FoxPro based Web applications. Get started today!

FoxPro all the way

Use the tools you already know: Write FoxPro code for your Web application logic and use the Visual FoxPro IDE to edit, run and debug your code. Set breakpoints, break on errors, and use your existing FoxPro business logic code.

HTML5 and Mobile Ready

Web Connection uses HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript to create Web Connection uses HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript to create responsive and mobile ready Web applications. Default templates use the popular Bootstrap framework to make it easy to create good looking Web applications.

HTML the way you want

Choose from different approaches to create HTML content in your apps. Choose from MVC style coding, pure HTML/Fox scripting, the ASP.NET style Web Control Framework or use raw code to generate HTML and HTTP output.

Create JSON REST Services

Easily create JSON REST services for building REST APIs or AJAX backends. Simply create classes that automatically convert JSON POST data to FoxPro objects and turn FoxPro return values and objects into JSON.

Use any HTML Editor

We ship a number of HTML templates for use with Visual Studio, but you can use any HTML editor that suits your needs. Choose an editor like the ultra-lightweight and free Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, NotePad++ or any text editor to build your Web content.

Deploy with ease

Web Connection 6.0 includes automatically generated and customizable deployment scripts that can configure the Web server for you. One terminal command can configure your new Web site in seconds with a deployed server.

The Source is yours

Web Connection comes with complete source code for all the FoxPro components. There's no blackbox code - you can step through all of the framework and modify it as needed. Fix it, change it, own it - no built-in obsolence in this framework.

Remote Administration

Remotely administer your server: Start and stop running servers, upload and hotswap new binaries, review log files and see server activity in real time. Servers auto-recover from crashes and you can run in single server mode for Admin tasks.

Don't take our Word for it: Try it out

There's so much more to Web Connection and the best way to find out about it all is to try it out for yourself. Web Connection is available in a fully functional shareware version that contains the full Web Connection framework, but doesn't include source code. With it you can build and test your Web applications to check out Web Connection's features and functionality. Get started today!

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New Features
Self-contained Project Layout
Generated Server Configuration Scripts
One step server re-deployment
Redesigned .NET Handler Admin UI
Integrated Auto-Refresh Browser Sync
New FoxPro + HTML Script Engine
Layout and Partial Pages for Scripting
wwHtmlHelpers Script Controls
Bootstrap 4 and FontAwesome 5 Integration
Responsive Mobile ready Templates
Markdown: Parser, Islands and Pages
JSON REST Services
Improved, faster JSON parser
Support for extensionless URLs
Redesigned Message Board Sample
Updated Visual Studio 2017 Plug-in
Improved Startup Error Handling
New Encrytpion Class
Get it

You can download the shareware version and try Web Connection for free. The shareware version is fully functional except you can't create a compiled executable.


  • Visual FoxPro 9.0
  • .NET Framework 4.5 or later


Got questions, suggestions or just want to discuss Web Connection or FoxPro development issues? Then come and hang out on our new and redesigned West Wind Message Board to interact with the author and other Web Connection and FoxPro developers.

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