RegEx class based on the VBScript RegEx class. Instance loads up the VBScript RegEx object and keeps it alive in this instance.
This class matches the RegEx class signature and then adds a number of useful high level methods.
Class Members
Member | Description | |
aRestoreExpressions |
Restore stripped expressions in a text string that match a given static string that was typically created with aStripExpressions. This routine finds the static text and replaces it with the content of the array passed in one match for each string match. o.aRestoreExpressions(@laMatches,lcText,lcReplaceText) |
aStripExpressions |
Picks out all expressions matched and replaces them with a specified string returning the matched strings as an array. o.aStripExpressions(@laMatches,@laText,lcPattern,lcReplaceWith) |
Match |
wwRegEx :: Match o.Match(lcSource,lcRegEx) |
Replace |
Replaces the replace string or expression for any RegEx matches found in a source string o.Replace(lcSource,lcRegEx,lcReplace,llIsExpression) |
Test |
Tests a regEx expression. o.Test(lcSource,lcRegEx) |
Global |
This property determines whether all matches or just the first one is returned. Defaults to .T. returning all matches in the match collection. | |
IgnoreCase |
Determines whether the RegEx expression is case sensitive. | |
Matches |
A collection of matches after the Match method is called. | |
MultiLine |
Determines whether the RegEx expression works on multiple lines of text. |
Assembly: wwregex.prg© West Wind Technologies, 1996-2024 • Updated: 12/11/14
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