Class ComArray
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COM Wrapper for Arrays, IList and IDictionary collections that are not directly or easily accessible in FoxPro. Provides members like Count, Item() for index or key retrieval, AddItem(), AddDictionaryItem(), RemoveItem(), Clear() to provide common collection operations more naturally in FoxPro abstracted for the different types of collections available in .NET (Arrays, Lists, Hash tables, Dictionaries).

Internally stores an instance of the collection so the collection is never actually passed to FoxPro. Instead this class acts as a proxy to the collection which is stored in the .Instance property.

This instance allows Visual FoxPro to manipulate the collection by directly accessing array, list or dictionary values by index or key (depending on list or collection), adding, removing and clearing items, creating array, list and dictionary instances and assigning and picking up these values from existing objects.

This class is also internally used to capture collections that are returned from method calls or Properties via InvokeMethod() and GetProperty() and can be used to pass collections to .NET which otherwise would not be possible over COM.

public class ComArray : object

Class Members



Default constructor


Adds an item to the internal list or collection/dictionary.

public bool Add(object item)


Adds an item to the dictionary by key and value.

public bool AddDictionaryItem(object key,     object value)


Adds an item to the internal list, array or single item collection.

public bool AddItem(object item)


Assigns a .NET collect to this ComArray Instance. Has to be passed as a base instance (ie. parent instance of the array) and the name of the array because once the array hits VFP code it's already been converted into a VFP array so only internal reflection will allow getting the actual reference into ComArray.

public bool AssignFrom(object baseInstance,     string arrayPropertyName)


Assigns this ComArray's array instance to the specified property

public bool AssignTo(object baseInstance,     string arrayPropertyName)


Clears out the collection's content.

public bool Clear()


Creates a new array instance with size number of items pre-set. Elements are unassigned but array is dimensioned. Use 0 for an empty array.

public bool CreateArray(string arrayTypeName,     int size)


Creates an empty Dictionary with specified key value types

public bool CreateDictionary(string keyTypeName,     string valueTypeName)


Creates a new instance of one of the list/collection's data type without actually adding it to the array, and returns the created object instance.

public object CreateItem()


Creates an empty List of T.

public bool CreateList(string listTypeName)


Creates a copied array instance from an enumerable.

public void FromEnumerable(IEnumerable items)


Returns the .NET type name of the array/collection instance.



Returns the .NET typename for the array's items (if there are items). Otherwise value is empty.



Returns an item by index or by key from an Array, List or Dictionary collection.

public object Item(object indexOrKey)


Returns an item by index or key from a List or Dictionary collection without any type conversion for FoxPro.

public object ItemRaw(object indexOrKey)


Removes an item from the collection.

public bool Remove(object indexOrKey)


Removes an item from the collection.

public bool RemoveItem(object indexOrKey)


Updates a value to an existing collection or list item by int index for lists, or a key or value for dictionaries/collections

public bool SetItem(object indexOrKey,     object value)


Returns the length of the .NET array contained in Instance


The actual array instance returned as an object. This instance is set and passed to and from .NET calls made with InvokeMethod and explicit property assignments with Set/GetProperty.


Namespace: Westwind.WebConnection
Assembly: wwdotnetbridge.dll

See also:

Array, List and Dictionary Access with ComArray

© West Wind Technologies, 1996-2024 • Updated: 10/21/22
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