less than 1 minute to read

This event handler can be used to provide progress information and cancel long running downloads or uploads.

o.OnFtpBufferUpdate(lnPercent, lnDownloadedBytes, lcRemotePath, lcMode)


The percentage complete for the upload in progress. Value is an Integer between 0-100.

lnDownloadedBytes Number of bytes that have been downloaded or uploaded so far.

The remote path of the file processing

Current process mode:

  • download
  • upload


FUNCTION DownloadFile() loFtp = CREATEOBJECT("wwSftp") lcHost = "" lnPort = 23 lcUsername = "tester" lcPassword = "password" loFtp.cFtpServer = lcHost loFtp.nFtpPort = lnPort loFtp.cUsername = lcUsername loFtp.cPassword = lcPassword *** IMPORTANT: *** For Progress information and Cancellation *** we have to pass this instance to the .NET client loFtp.oSFtp.wwSftp = loFtp *** Set up the Event Binding - map to BufferUpdate() method below BINDEVENT(loFtp,"OnFtpBufferUpdate",this,"OnBufferUpdate") lcOutputFile = ".\tests\sailbig_downloaded.jpg" DELETE FILE lcOutputFile loFtp.FtpConnect() lnResult = loFtp.FtpGetFileEx("sailbig.jpg",lcOutputFile) loFtp.FtpClose() this.AssertTrue(loFtp.lCancelDownload == .F.,"This download has been cancelled") this.AssertTrue(lnResult == 0,loFtp.cErrorMsg) this.AssertTrue(FILE(lcOutputFile)) ENDFUNC * DownloadFile *** This is the Event Handler Implementation FUNCTION OnBufferUpdate(lnbytesdownloaded,lnbufferreads,lccurrentchunk, lnTotalBytes, loFtp) WAIT WINDOW NOWAIT TRANSFORM(lnBytesDownloaded) + " of " + TRANSFORM(lnTotalBytes) *** Optionally cancel the download IF (lnBytesDownloaded > 26000) *** This is the loFTP instance from above loFtp.lCancelDownload = .t. ENDIF ENDFUNC

See also:

Class wwSFTP (deprecated)

© West Wind Technologies, 1996-2024 • Updated: 06/01/24
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