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Returns a wwNameValueCollection of all keys and values contained in a UrlEncoded string of key values.

You can pass an optional prefix that determines the first characters of the keys that are included. All values are captures as strings.


Return Value

wwNameValueCollection instance. Always returned, so check .Count property to see whether values were returned.


The string that contains UrlEncoded keys and values. Typically this will be a query string or a form buffer.

Optional - a single string prefix which keys must start with in order to be included into in the collection.


<<code lang="VFP">>TEXT TO lcVars Name=Rick&Company=West+Wind&Parm3=4&Parm4=What+Worlds+May+Come ENDTEXT loVars = GetCollectionFromUrlEncodedValues(lcVars) FOR lnX = 1 TO loVars.Count loVar = loVars.Get(lnX) ? loVar.Key + " " + loVar.Value * ?loVars.Item(lnX) + " " + loVars.GetKey(lnX) ENDFOR<</code>>

See also:

Class wwUtils | Class wwNameValueCollection

© West Wind Technologies, 1996-2024 • Updated: 04/03/23
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