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This event fires after the Http connection has been established and can be useful to set specific WinInet options on the HTTP connection.

Use this event to call SetOption() to apply HTTP connect options. Since SetOption() requires a connection handle, it can only be used in the context of a request, which means you have to subclass wwHttp and override the OnHttpPostConnect() method.



The HTTP Handle created with the WinInet HttpOpenRequest() call. The Internet handle is also available in wwHttp::hHttpSession.


Only fires on calls to HttpGetEx and HttpGet. Not supported on async calls.


loHttp = CREATEOBJECT("MywwHttp") loHttp.Get("...") DEFINE CLASS MywwHttp as wwHTTP FUNCTION OnHttpPostConnect() DECLARE INTEGER InternetSetOption ; IN WININET.DLL ; INTEGER HINTERNET,; INTEGER dwFlags,; INTEGER @dwValue,; INTEGER cbSize *** Make the Connection Timeout longer dwTimeoutSecs= 50 * 1000 && to milliseconds llRetVal=InternetSetOption(this.hHttpSession,; INTERNET_OPTION_CONNECT_TIMEOUT,; @dwTimeoutSecs,4) ENDFUNC ENDDEFINE

See also:

West Wind Web Connection

© West Wind Technologies, 1996-2024 • Updated: 08/28/20
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