The API class provides a number of useful utility functions that access the Windows API or other external DLL interfaces. This class also houses the wwImaging wrapper functions that talk to the wwImaging.dll.
Note that some of the functionality in this class is implemented as plain functions, rather than methods of the class. This is to avoid having to declare a class. None of the wwAPI classes actually contain any sort of state and would be better served as plain functions, but due to legacy codebase requirements they are part of the class.
In Web Connection Process methods, wwAPI is always available via Server.oAPI.
Class Members
Member | Description | |
ActivateWindow |
Activates the Window specified by Window Title or Window Handle. o.ActivateWindow(lvTitle,lnParentHandle) |
aProfileSections |
Retrieves all sections of an INI File. o.aProfileSections(@laSections, lcIniFile) |
CharToBin |
Converts a binary 4 byte (Double Word) expression into VFP number. CharToBin(lcBinString,llSigned) |
CopyFile |
Copies File. Faster than Fox Copy and handles errors internally without throwing a Fox error. o.CopyFile(lcSource, lcTarget,nFlag) |
CopyImage |
Allows copying an image from one file format to another. Simply specify the name of the input file and a name of the output file. Based on the extension the new image format is created. Supported formats include gif,jpg,png,tif,bmp. CopyImage(lcSource,lcTarget) |
CreateGUID |
Creates either a string or binary GUID value.\ o.CreateGUID(llBinary) |
CreateProcess |
Runs an external process using the CreateProcess API. CreateProcess has a number of advantages over using the RUN command including a much longer command line limit and the ability to understand long filenames correctly. CreateProcess(lcExe,lcCommandLine, lnShowWindow,llWaitForCompletion, lnTimeoutMs) |
CreateProcessEx |
Runs an external process using the CreateProcessEx API including the ability to redirect output to a file and Wait for completion.CreateProcessEx(lcExe, lcCommandLine, lcStartDirectory, lnShowWindow, llWaitForCompletion, lcStdOutputFilename) |
CreateShortcut |
Creates a Windows Shortcut (.lnk ) file that can be used to launch programs.CreateShortcut(lcShortCut,lcDescription, lcTarget,lcArguments,lcStartFolder,lcIcon) |
CreateThumbnail |
Creates a thumbnail image from a normal sized image by specify source and thumbnail filenames and Width and Height values. CreateThumbnail(lcSourceFile,lcThumbnailFile,lnWidth,lnHeight) |
DecodeDbf |
Takes a string encoded with EncodeDbf() and converts it back into a physical file. If the string contains a DBF with a memo the memo is also restored. o.DecodeDbf(lcBuffer, lcDbf) |
EncodeDbf |
Takes a single file (DBF or otherwise) or a DBF/MEMO pair and encodes it into a string. String includes a header for verification and information about the file. Use DecodeDbf() to restore the string to a file. o.EncodeDbf(lcDBF, llHasMemo, lcEncodedName) |
EnumKey |
Returns a registry value from a key name based on a numeric index. o.EnumKey(tnHKey, tcSubKey, tnIndex) |
FromUtcTime |
Returns local time from a UTC time. o.FromUtcTime(ltTime) |
GetCaptchaImage |
Creates a CAPTCHA image with the specified text. CAPTCHA images are meant to use for validation of users on a Web site to protect from spamming. GetCaptchaImage(lcText,lcOutputFile,lcFont,lnFontSize) |
GetClipboardText |
Gets special text like RTF or HTML from the clipboard rather than retrieving only text. GetClipboardText(lcFormat) |
GetComputerName |
Returns the name of the computer as a string. o.GetComputerName() |
GetDomainFromIp |
Retrieves the domain name from a registered IP Address. o.GetDomainFromIp(lcIpAddress) |
GetImageInfo |
This function retrieves the height and width and resolution of an image. GetImageInfo(lcImageFile, @lnWidth, @lnHeight, @lnResolution) |
GetIpFromDomain |
Retrieves an IP address for a given domain. o.GetIpFromDomain(lcDomain) |
GetLastError |
Returns the last Windows API error code. Should be called immediately after an API function if an error occurred to retrieve the error code. o.GetLastError() |
GetMonitorStatus |
Returns an object with information about monitors and screen sizes of the system. o.GetMonitorStatistics() |
GetProfileString |
Read Profile String information from a given text file using Windows INI formatting conventions o.GetProfileString(pcFileName,pcSection,pcEntry, pnBufferSize) |
GetSpecialFolder |
Returns a Windows Special Folder value by either a numeric value or as a special string value. GetSpecialFolder(lnFolder) |
GetSystemDir |
Returns the Windows System directory. o.GetSystemDir(llWindowsDir) |
GetSystemErrorMsg |
Returns the Message text for a Win32API error code. o.GetSystemErrorMsg(lnErrorNo,lcDLL) |
GetTempPath |
Returns the Windows OS temp file path. o.GetTempPath() |
GetTimeZone |
Returns the Timezone offset from GMT in minutes. GetTimeZone() |
GetUserName |
Returns the currently logged on user. o.GetUserName() |
GetUtcTime |
Returns UTC time from a local time. o.GetUtcTime(ltTime) |
GZipCompressString |
Compresses a string using the GZip protocol. GZipCompressString(lcString,lnCompressionLevel) |
GZipUncompressString |
Uncompresses a GZip encoded string into its original unencoded data. GZipUncompressString(lcCompressed) |
HashMD5 |
Creates an MD5 Hash from your data. MD5 is a one encryption hash that is frequently used for password authentication and storage of strings. HashMD5(tcData) |
ImpersonateUser |
Allows you to switch user context to a different user in your application by specifying username and password. o.ImpersonateUser(lcUsername,lcPassword) |
InstallPrinter |
Installs a printer on the system by the printer driver's descriptive name. If the printer driver name is not specified this routine will guess based on the operating system and install a PostScript Printer. o.wwAPI.InstallPrinter(lcDriverName,lcPrinterName) |
InstallPrinterDriver |
The function allows installing of a printer driver from the Windows default printer list. InstallPrinterDriver(lcDriverName, lcPrinterName) |
Is64Bit |
Determines whether the application is currently running under a 64 bit OS. o.wwAPI.Is64Bit() |
LogonUser |
Allows checking whether a username and password are valid with Windows security. o.LogonUser(lcUsername, lcPassword, lcServer) |
MapNetworkDrive |
Maps a network drive based on a sharename and username and password. o.MapNetworkDrive(lcDrive,lcSharePath,lcUsername,lcPassword) |
MessageBeep |
Sounds the specified System sound. o.MessageBeep(lnSound) |
Ping |
Pings a domain and returns whether it's up and running. Optionally returns hop count and time for the ping. o.wwAPI.Ping(lcDomain, @lnHops, @lnTime) |
PlayWave |
Plays a WAV file synchronously or asynchronously. o.PlayWave(pcWaveFile,pnPlayType) |
ReadImage |
Reads the contents of an area from within an image into a new file. It allows for creating cropped images. Image formats can be read and saved in gif,jpg,png,bmp,tif depending on these extensions. ReadImage(lcSource,lcTarget,lnLeft,lnTop,lnWidth,lnHeight) |
ReadRegistryString |
Reads a string or integer value from the registry. o.ReadRegistryString(tnHKey, tcSubkey, tcEntry, tlInteger) |
ResizeImage |
Allows resizing of an image to a specified size. ResizeImage(lcSource, lcTarget, lnWidth, lnHeight, lnCompression) |
RevertToSelf |
This method reverts the impersonated user back to the original user that the application was started under. Useful to rever the user after having called ImpersonateUser. o.RevertToSelf() |
RotateImage |
Rotates an image in a file in place updating the original file. RotateImage(lcImage,lnRotateType) |
WinApi_GetEnvironmentVariable |
Returns a Windows Environment Variable. Unlike GETENV() it can return strings larger than 255 characters (specifically the Windows path!)WinApi_GetEnvironmentVariable(lcVar) |
WinApi_GetStartupModuleFilename |
Returns a fully qualified path for the executing Windows Process executable. Note this can be either Vfp9.exe or your own application like MyApp.exe .WinApi_GetStartupModuleFilename() |
WinApi_GetSystemErrorMsg |
Returns the locale specific message text from a Win32 API error code. WinApi_GetSystemErrorMsg(lnErrorNo,lcDLL) |
WinApi_NullString |
Returns a FoxPro string from a null terminated C style string. Terminates the input string at the first CHR(0) found. WinApi_NullString(lcString) |
WinApi_SendMessage |
Wrapper function around the Windows SendMessage API. WinApi_SendMessage(lnHwnd,lnMsg,lnWParam,lnLParam) |
WinApi_Sleep |
Puts the current process thread to sleep for the specified number of milliseconds. WinApi_Sleep(lnMilliseconds, llUseDoEvents) |
WriteImage |
This function writes an image into an existing image by overlaying it. This allows either merging of two images or if the new image has a tranparent background of overlaying. WriteImage(lcSource,lcInsert,lnLeft,lnTop) |
WriteProfileString |
Writes a value into an INI file. o.WriteProfileString(pcFileName,pcSection,pcEntry,pcValue) |
WriteRegistryString |
Writes a string value to the registry. o.WriteRegistryString(tnHKey, tcSubkey, tcEntry, tcValue,tlCreate) |
Assembly: wwApi.prg© West Wind Technologies, 1996-2024 • Updated: 01/18/16
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