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Expression you can specify to have fired just before a row gets rendered. The expression MUST return a string.

This handler is useful for:

  • Injecting additional HTML content - like another row
  • Calculating totals as they are rendered


This function must return a string!

To set up the expression you'd use:

loConfig.OnAfterRowRender = "Process.AfterRowRender(loConfig)"

Note that the full expression is provided in quotes and that any objects accessed or passed must be in scope. To get a reference to the HtmlDataGridConfig object in the handler method pass in loConfig as a parameter.

This event fires while the record of the row just rendered is still active.

A more complete example looks like this:

*** Use the HtmlDataGrid Helper function (easier) loConfig = CREATEOBJECT("HtmlDataGridConfig") loConfig.PageSize = 10 loConfig.Width = "800px" *** Set up a delegate FoxPro expression that is called loConfig.OnAfterRowRender = "Process.GridGroupFooter(loConfig)" *** Now render the grid lcHtml = HtmlDataGrid("tt_Cust",loConfig) Response.Write(lcHtml)

You then implement the expression as a handler for this - in this case as a Process class method. The expression must return a string - either an empty string or a string that gets embedded as a result. This method implements group headers based on the company name changing - when it changes a row is injected displaying the name of the company.

PROTECTED FUNCTION GridGroupFooter(loConfig) LOCAL lcHtml, llNewProject lcHtml = "" && Return empty if not matched llNewProject = .F. *** Read next record to see if it's a new project if !eof() SKIP IF pcLastProject != TProjects.Project llNewProject = .T. ENDIF SKIP -1 ENDIF *** Private variable pnProjectTotal = pnProjectTotal + TProjects.Cost if !llNewProject return "" ENDIF lcHtml = lcHtml + "<tr><td colspan='3'></td><td>" +; TRANS(pnProjectTotal + ; </td></tr>" RETURN lcHtml ENDFUNC

You can also replace the entire HTML of the current row rendered by setting the loConfig.RowContent property to a string that represents the HTML of the row to render.

PROTECTED FUNCTION AfterRowRender(loConfig) loConfig.RowContent = "<tr><td colspan='3'></td><td>Overridden!</td></tr>" *** Still have to return a string RETURN ""


The expression can pass the loConfig object as a parameter to get the wwDataGridConfiguration instance and all of its support properties.

See also:

Class HtmlDataGridConfig

© West Wind Technologies, 1996-2024 • Updated: 10/01/15
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