User Administration: User Browser and User editing
If the user is marked as an Admin
in the User Security table, the user has access to user management, which is basically a list of all users that can then be edited. The template that controls this list is UserList.usm
You can type a partial match for a username or email address into the search box and the list is filtered to just those items.
You can click on any item to select which dispays that user in the user form in UserInfo.usm
Account Deletion is an Option
Whether an account can be deleted is determined via a configuration setting in myApp.ini
in the [UserSecurityManager]
These days it's important to be able to let users remove their accounts and get all the data off a public application, but it may not be possible for all applications to allow users to be removed. Users can also be marked as in active in the account which effectively disables the account.
© West Wind Technologies, 1996-2020 • Updated: 05/09/20
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